Protect Our Democracy

Our democracy was founded on a radical proposition: that ordinary people could come together and decide who had the best ideas to solve their problems and represent them. At the time, only white land-owning men had this political power. When we extended the vote to women, African Americans and other communities of color, we made our democracy more whole.

Today, real democracy is still a radical idea. That’s because real democracy means that there are no kings and that no one is above the law. That our government should belong to and serve us, the people. That it shall be ordinary Americans that get to decide whose ideas are best to solve their real-life problems, and that they will get to determine by their single and equal vote – regardless of their color, their income, their gender, or their sexual orientation – the best course for our nation. 

That is why some people in power are so afraid of democracy. Because they do not believe in the power of us. They want a government that serves their interests, not ours, which is why we need to shield our democracy against ongoing voter suppression and international efforts to interfere in our elections.

When Cristina believes we must make it easy, safe and efficient for Americans to vote. Including making on-line voter registration and vote by mail universal in the U.S. and making election day a national federal holiday so everyone can participate easily and equally in our democracy.